Getting Started with Calley Auto Dialer App

So you just signed up for your Calley account and want to know how you can make best of it. You are at the right place. Check out the links below for Getting Started videos for respective Calley Plans.

Setup of Calley Personal

Setup of Calley Personal Free Autodialer Plan to Autodial Leads using your Mobile Phone. Sim-Based Autodialing for Free with Calley Personal.

Setup of Calley PRO

Setup of Calley PRO Unlimited Autodialer Plan. This is best suited for Solopreneurs. Autodial Unlimited Calls and More using your Mobile Phone. 

Setup of Calley Teams

Step by Step guide to setup Calley Teams Plan. Best suited for a team of 5 agents or more. 10X  Productivity of your Sales team using Calley ACD.

How to Load Leads?

Calley enables options to upload leads to the Calley Web Panel in the following ways. 


We would love to answer all your questions to get you started with Autodialing using The Calley Auto Dialer app.